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PoE 3.14 Ultimatum Top Ranger Starter Builds

PoE 3.14 Ultimatum has made a lot of improvements to the content of previous league such as Labyrinth, Temple of Atzoatl, Betrayal rewards, etc. In addition to providing players with cheap poe currency, Poe4orb has also prepared the latest PoE 3.14 Ultimatum Top Ranger Starter Builds collection. Check out these most popular ultimatum builds of Deadeye, Pathfinder and Raider now!

PoE 3.14 Ultimatum Top Ranger Starter Builds


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Ranger Deadeye

[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Deadeye Tornado Shot Fast Ranger Build

[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Deadeye Ice Shot Fast Ranger League Starter Build


[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Deadeye Tornado Shot Fast Ranger Build

  • + very cheap (less than 1ex is enough)
  • + great clear speed
  • + fast
  • + you will not feel alone (thx to mirage archers)
  • + very good life leech
  • - no reflect maps
  • - can`t do no leech maps
  • - squishy
  • - you will need to get used to dodge most of the stuff


Gems Setup


Tornado shot - Added Cold Damage - Hypothermia - chain support - Inspiration support - Elemental damage with attacks


Barrage - Added Cold Damage - Hypothermia - Mirage archer/Faster Attacks - Inspiration support - Elemental damage with attacks


Hatred - Herald of ice - Precision - Enlighten


Wave of convinction - sniper's mark - dash - second wind support


Ascendancy: Ricochet ->EndlessMunitions ->GatheringWinds ->OccupyingForce/WindWard

Pantheon: Lunaris and Ryslsatha

Banditkill them all, the 2 passives skills points are just too good

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/XCFyCDiq

Link: https://pastebin.com/1QFDCq1u cheap version



[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Deadeye Ice Shot Fast Ranger League Starter Build

  • + Insane clear
  • + Good single target damage with investments
  • + Turbo fast movement speed
  • + Cheap to start
  • + Can do Phys reflect since we are converting 100% with ice shot
  • - Expensive to gear up and min-max
  • - A bit squishy if not fully geared
  • - Cannot do elemental reflect maps
  • - No leech maps



Gems Setup


Ice Shot - Damage on full life - Added cold damage - Elemental damage with attacks - Chain support - Hypothermia

*NOTE* Youre probably gonna need to have around 20-15+ strength somewhere for your dmg on full life support to reach lvl 20

Single target

Barrage - Inspiration - Added cold damage - Elemental damage with attacks - Cold Penetration-Damage on Full Life

4L Movement

Second Wind - Dash - Frost bomb - Sniper's mark (Swap Sniper's Mark with Vaal Grace if you have Curse enemies with Ele Weakness.


CWTD - Immortal Call (Level 1) - Increased Duration - Summon Ice golem

4L Auras

Enlighten lvl 3 -Hatred- Herald of Ice-Divergent Precision ( you can use normal precision i just like the +10% increased dmg)

League Start

Try to get 5L Death's Opu's and a Hyrri's Ire and try 5linking it your self, it shouldnt take more than 40-50 fusings. For the rest of the items just get good life roll and resistances rings, some crit multi on amulet and Fractal thoughts for helmet, which is relatively cheap (1c).These should be enough to get you going.


Ascendancy: Gathering Winds -> Wind Ward -> Endless munitions -> Ricochet

Pantheon: Lunaris and Garukhan

Bandit: Help Alira

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/9Ww3wx3Q (Community Fork)




Ranger Pathfinder 

[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Pathfinder Blade Vortex Fast Endgame Ranger Build

[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Pathfinder Toxic Ranger Beginner | Easy | Endgame Build

[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Pathfinder Scourge Arrow Fast | Tanky | Beginner friendly Build


[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Pathfinder Blade Vortex Fast Endgame Ranger Build

  • + Good at all the content modern PoE has to offer
  • + Great clearspeed (MS from PF ascendancy, juiced up quicksilver flask, explodey chest which full clears entire screens by itself due to how much the build scales its damage)
  • + Tanky enough to barely get scratched by shaper balls/slam, and Sirus A8's die beam
  • + Comfortably sustains 6m+ shaper dps while tuned for HC, can burst for a lot more with vaal skills, aggressively spending mana on indigon, and tuning the build for SC
  • + Huge amounts of life/mana recovery without needing to leech
  • + Perma flasks, with 80%+ flask effectiveness
  • + Perma-freeze map bosses, chill bosses like Sirus
  • + All map mods are doable except elemental reflect
  • + Just feels GOOD to play. Everything dies around you, flasks are always up, rarely take damage
  • - Not league-start viable
  • - Not SSF-friendly due to uniques
  • - Can work on a budget, but needs an explodey chest to clear well (thankfully harvest makes this easier than otherwise!), and a few expensive gear pieces (in HC at least, most of it would be a lot cheaper in SC) to scale the damage and tankiness
  • - Cannot do elemental reflect without fitting 100% reduced reflected damage taken on your gear. Can only do physical reflect after converting 100% of physical damage to convert (90% conversion is doable with enough armour and not too much damage)
  • - When RF is on, gotta keep pressing that mana flask or you will degen


Gems Setup

Note: The awakened gems are NOT necessary at all for the build to perform well. It's just some min-maxing when you have nothing else to do

Body: Vaal Blade Vortex - Unleash - Hypothermia - Intensify, Concentrated Effect, Awakened Cold Penetration, Awakened Controlled Destruction, Empower 

Helmet: Flame - Arcane Surge - Bonechill - Vortex

Weapon(Trigger): Frost Bomb, Purifying Flame, Frostbite / Elemental weakness

Shield:  Shield Charge - Fortify - Faster Attacks

Boots: Vaal Righteous Fire - Increased Duration - Vaal Molten Shell - Second Wind

Gloves: Vigilant Strike - Faster Attacks - Ancestral Call - Fortify


Ascendancy: Veteran Bowyer -> Nature's Boon -> Master Alchemist -> Nature's Adrenaline

Pantheon: Solaris and shakari

Bandit: Kill All

Path of Building Link 

Lvl 94 Phase acrobatics + Wind Dancer, realistic non-Harvest gear: https://pastebin.com/0GdD6vdg

Lvl 99 Divine flesh + armour and shield, realistic non-Harvest gear: https://pastebin.com/91Sm1EHB



[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Pathfinder Toxic Ranger Beginner | Easy | Endgame Build

  • + Insane damage
  • + All map mods
  • + 100% flask uptime
  • + Tanky
  • + All content
  • - Flask reliant
  • - Weak early stages, takes a bit of time to reach optimal setup, not very SSF friendly
  • - mana issues are there because of high APS (for Quill Rain while levelling)
  • - 111 INT required for proper gearing

Gems Main Link

Toxic Rain - Mirage Archer - Vicious Projectile - Swift Affliction - Empower - Void Manipulation

Upgrade those gems into awakened gems if possible to maximize your damage output. Gem priority is in order, even with awakened gems.

You can replace Awakened Void Manipulation with Awakened Increased Area of Effect for more overlaps, more consistent damage but slightly worse damage if you didn't manage to get 5 green on your Carcass.

Early on replace Empower with Efficacy, as empower needs to be lvl 4 in order to compete with this gem

Prioritize level 21 Toxic Rain because it gives a lot of damage boost due to boosting the base DoT damage. This is one of the biggest DPS upgrade you can get and it is not that hard either so prioritize this!

Link setup

Immortal Call (lvl 3) - Cast when damage taken (lvl 1) - Increased Duration - Vaal Haste

Malevolence - Enlighten - Flesh & Stone - Skitterbots

> Wither - Faster Casting - Multiple Totems - Spell Totem

Misc gem setup

Portal, Precision, Dash - Second Wind


PantheonLunaris / Arakaali, Garukhan / Tukohama 

Bandit: Kill All 

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/X7PsCKQW (Ignore gem setup)

https://pastebin.com/4krsrWq2 (Latest snapshot)



[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Pathfinder Scourge Arrow Fast | Tanky | Beginner friendly Build


+ Great single target. The build can reach 7M single target DPS with current setup after around 5 second ramp up (to calculate the DPS from PoB, add both Thorn Arrows and Release at 5 stagestogether and then multiply it by 1.385 for Mirage Archer).

+ Pretty good clear speed (because of Nature's Reprisal poison proliferation and Scourge Arrowhitting whole screens)

+ 207% increased movement speed (266% while Elusive)

+ 7K+ Life

+ 85% melee avoid chance, 85% projectile avoid chance, 63% spell avoid chance, 94% stun avoid chance

+ 8% less Chaos damage taken (thanks to Infused Channeling)

+ Permanent flask uptime (because of Nature's Boon)

+ Enemies are chilled (reduced action speed) thanks to Summon Skitterbots

+ Enemies are hindered (reduced movement speed) thanks to Wither

+ Enemies are maimed (reduced movement speed) with maim chest

+ Can do all map mods

+ Can do all content (except Hall of Grandmasters)

+ Decent league starter, as it do not really requires anything to function, and can work just fine on Tabula

Buy poe currency for your leveling

- Needs a lot of intelligence from gear

- Scourge Arrow playstyle takes some time getting used to

- Enemies do not die instantly so sometimes we can take some dangerous hits (we combat this with our high defenses)



Gems Setup

Level 1

  • 3 link - Caustic Arrow, Pierce, Lesser Poison

Level 4

  • 4 link - Caustic Arrow, Pierce, Lesser Poison, Mirage Archer (Act 1 - The Caged Brute - Nessa)
  • 1 link - Dash
  • 1 link - Steelskin

Level 8

  • 5 link - Caustic Arrow, Pierce, Lesser Poison, Void Manipulation, Mirage Archer
  • 1 link - Dash
  • 1 link - Steelskin

Level 10

  • 5 link - Caustic Arrow, Pierce, Lesser Poison, Void Manipulation, Mirage Archer
  • 1 link - Smoke Mine
  • 1 link - Withering Step
  • 1 link - Enduring Cry

Level 12

  • 4 link - Toxic Rain, Lesser Poison, Mirage Archer, Void Manipulation
  • 1 link - Smoke Mine
  • 1 link - Withering Step
  • 1 link - Enduring Cry

Level 16

  • 5 link - Toxic Rain, Lesser Poison, Mirage Archer, Void Manipulation
  • 1 link - Smoke Mine
  • 1 link - Withering Step
  • 1 link - Enduring Cry
  • 1 link - Summon Skitterbots
  • 1 link - Blood Rage

Level 18

  • 6 link - Toxic Rain, Lesser Poison, Vicious Projectiles, Mirage Archer, Void Manipulation, Faster Attacks
  • 1 link - Smoke Mine
  • 1 link - Withering Step
  • 1 link - Enduring Cry
  • 1 link - Summon Skitterbots
  • 1 link - Blood Rage

Level 24

  • 6 link - Toxic Rain, Lesser Poison, Vicious Projectiles, Mirage Archer, Void Manipulation, Faster Attacks
  • 1 link - Smoke Mine
  • 1 link - Withering Step
  • 1 link - Enduring Cry
  • 1 link - Summon Skitterbots
  • 1 link - Blood Rage
  • 1 link - Malevolence
  • 1 link - Despair

Level 31

  • 6 link - Toxic Rain, Swift Affliction, Vicious Projectiles, Mirage Archer, Void Manipulation, Efficacy
  • 4 link - Smoke Mine - Enduring Cry - Second Wind - Urgent Orders
  • 1 link - Withering Step
  • 1 link - Summon Skitterbots
  • 1 link - Blood Rage
  • 1 link - Malevolence
  • 1 link - Despair

Level 34

  • 6 link - Toxic Rain, Swift Affliction, Vicious Projectiles, Mirage Archer, Void Manipulation, Efficacy
  • 4 link - Smoke Mine - Enduring Cry - Second Wind - Urgent Orders
  • 2 link - Immortal Call, Increased Duration
  • 1 link - Withering Step
  • 1 link - Summon Skitterbots
  • 1 link - Blood Rage
  • 1 link - Malevolence
  • 1 link - Despair

Level 38

  • 6 link - Toxic Rain, Swift Affliction, Vicious Projectiles, Mirage Archer, Void Manipulation, Efficacy
  • 4 link - Smoke Mine - Enduring Cry - Second Wind - Urgent Orders
  • 3 link - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Increased Duration
  • 1 link - Withering Step
  • 1 link - Summon Skitterbots
  • 1 link - Blood Rage
  • 1 link - Malevolence
  • 1 link - Despair

After you are done with leveling (so after you finish Act 10) switch to Scourge Arrow setup. This will cost also around 14 regrets, but you should get that from quests anyway.

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/ZVr07cMZ



Ranger Raider

[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Raider Flicker Strike Fast Endgame Ranger Build

[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Raider Frost Blades Fast Ranger Build


[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Raider Flicker Strike Fast Endgame Ranger Build

  • + Extremely strong and highly enjoyable mapper, thanks to Flicker Strike mechanics and +120% built-in movespeed. Built-in mini Headhunter effect as a bonus.
  • + Tough enough to disrespect most game mechanics with >5500HP, 96% mitigation against attacks, 50% mitigation against spells and built-in corpse destruction. Survives jumps into 30 porcupines and can facetank metamorphs even in juiced up maps
  • + High top end DPS. This is the part of the build that will scale the most with your budget.
  • + Will allow you to progress your Atlas up to T16s on a super moderate budget
  • -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • - Must like Flicker Strike playstyle and tolerate its inconveniences (hectic movement, potential sync issues, the occasional "random death" due to flickering back into a death zone). First thing you should do before rolling this character is to check if gameplay suits you : try it out with a 4L on low lvl mobs (acts).
  • - Below average at boss killing. Flicker makes it hard to dodge shit, you don't benefit from DPS boost from having multiple targets, and degen effects (poison pools, sirus quad beam...) ignore your defensive layers. Everything can be done, but a gem swap to Cyclone and great gear (20-50ex) will help to comfortably tackle Sirus A8 or Uber Elder.
  • - The single target DPS needs a bit of gear to really ramp up. With only 10c "life+resists" starter gear, you'll need 20-30sec to kill T16 map bosses. With the 30ex gear, most will go down in less than 10sec.
  • - Highly addictive. Every build you try after this one will feel slow and clunky. You'll be spoiled.


Gems Setup

Main link

Flicker Strike - Melee Splash - Multistrike - Elemental Damage with attacks - Close Combat - Combustion (or Fortify before your corrupted Oro's)

Alternative main link - Cyclone (Sirus, Uber Elder...)

Cyclone - Pulverise - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Fire Penetration - Immolate - Close Combat OR Infused Channeling (Ideal, but requires recoloring)

Totems for bossing

Ancestrall Protector - (Vaal) Ancestral Warchief - Multiple totems - Combustion - Elemental Damage with attacks - Ruthless (6th L)


Flesh&Stone (Sand Stance) | Anger | Flammability - Blasphemy

Life insurance

CWDT - Steelskin - Increased Duration | Vaal Grace

Put this setup on a 4L for Increased Duraction to benefit Vaal Grace.


Leap Slam - Faster attacks - Blood Magic

Blood Magic does wonders in no regen/Baran's runes maps. If you find yourself sitting at 0 mana for whatever reason, you'll be able to just leap into a pack to leech some back.

Dash - Second Wind is a possible alternative, and might be more suitable for specific boss fights (Maven's for example). You can get a white socket (Vorici in Research) to be able to swap when your need it.

Instant Warcry

Infernal Cry

Put it on your left mouse button so you'll activate it every off cooldown when you move, without having to press an extra button. If you have an extra gem slot, you can link it with Second Wind to reduce its cooldown.

This gem is only useful for the potent "Covered in Ash" debuff it applies as we can't exert attacks with Multistrike.


Ascendancy: Way of the Poacher -> Avatar of the Slaughter -> Rapid Assault -> Avatar of the Chase

Pantheon: Lunaris/Garukhan synergize well with the build for mapping. Nothing wrong to swap it for other options though, it's only minor buffs.

Bandit: Alira is the best choice for leveling and on starter gear. Once your have access to better items and no longer have resists issues, 2 passives points (kill All) will net slightly better results - use the vendor recipe to swap your choices.

Path of Building Link

PoE Heist Raider Flicker Strike Ranger Passive Skill Tree

Low Budget, lvl 90 POB : https://pastebin.com/yuUxiieE - 5700 HP, 2.4M regular boss DPS.

Medium budget, lvl 95 POB : https://pastebin.com/Vu9WGnZg - 6000HP, 4.8M shaper DPS

High budget, lvl 98 POB : https://pastebin.com/0u3TCVi4 - 6100HP, 18M shaper DPS with capped chaos resist and 50-65% spell dodge.

(DPS number against bosses include your totems)



[Ultimatum] PoE 3.14 Raider Frost Blades Fast Ranger Build

  • + Very fast clearspeed
  • + Very good dps
  • + Can do all content
  • + High evade and dodge
  • - Elemental reflect
  • - Not tanky
  • - Expensive to max
  • - Bad singletarget early

Gems Setup

Frost Blades

Frost Blades - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Hypothermia - Rage - Multistrike - Ruthless / Ancestral Call

If you can get some of the Awakened versions of the skillgems, then that is really good. Some of them are pretty easily obtained, others are more expensive.

When mapping, use Ancestral Call instead of Ruthless. Ancestral call together with Frost Blades is incredibly powerful.

3-Link: Auras

Haterd - Herald of Ice - Enlighten

Keep Herald of Ice and Hatred in your shield, together with Enlighten.

If you get a shield with 15% reduced mana reserved, you can fit in another Herald or Aspect. In this case make sure to use a lvl 1 precision

4-Link: Whirling blades

Whirling blades - Fortify - Cast On Critical Strike - Frost Bombs

If you don't have an Assassin's mark ring you will need to use a different setup, but this is how it should look when you do.

Having a curse on hit setup in your whirling blades is a good way to easily debuff bosses by just whirling through them. You want to whirl through them anyway to keep your fortify up, so why not debuff them at the same time?

4-Link: Totems and Flame Dash

Ancestral Protector - Vaal Ancestral Warchief - Flame Dash - Culling Strike

Use Ancestral Protector whenever you fight any tougher mob. Vaal ancestral warchief should be used on bosses. You can use both at the same time, even though they are both totems.

Have Flame Dash linked together with them, and then add a Culling Strike. This way you can cull bosses with both the totems and flame dash.

4-Link: Cast When Damage Taken

CWDT - Immortal Call - Summon Ice Golem - Blood Rage

Keep the gems on low level to make sure it proccs as often as possible. CWDT should be level 1.

3-Link: Vaal haste - Berserk - Precision

Vaal Haste and Berserk should be used when you need that extra burst. Preferably together with Ancestral Warchief. 


  • Don't forget to swap out Ancestral Call for something else when you are fighting bosses!! (ruthless or Multistrike)
  • Use Ancestral Protector with 3+ Links on it. I'm using an AP with Increased Melee Physical Damage and Ruthless.
  • Get your buff/debuff skills. Get vaal haste if you can, frost bomb/wave of conviction, etc. They can make a big difference.
  • If you can get a vaal double strike, it helps a lot.
  • Don't forget to upgrade your gear! When you are playing any melee build as a league starter you will encounter issues if you don't properly maintain your gear. You need to upgrade your weapon as often as you can, and try to stack as much "added damage" as possible on your rings/amulet/gloves/etc.



Ascendancy: Way of the Poacher > Avatar of the Slaughter > Rapid Assault > Avatar of the Chase

Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris and Soul of Garukhan

Bandit: Help Alira

Path of Building Link

Cheap: https://pastebin.com/ejJen7wd

Standard: https://pastebin.com/k1YzdNqt

Expensive: https://pastebin.com/wyKhAm9v


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