I love when more people come to Path of Exile
Going spellcarser: firestorm witch, crit flame totem inquisitor, flameblast elementalist, essenge drain/contagion, blade vortex and so on.

Really glad you tried Path of Exile
Check out some guides for new players and just start playing. If you like games like Diablo, Torchlight, and others, this is really fun.

A lot of people hate the Path of Exile Labyrinth system
These new essences are interesting, although ultimately seem quite disappointing. Looks like you could now craft caster swords or caster bows.

New Path of Exile league starts Friday
New league starts Friday. Hope you have a great time playing Path of Exile, but beware, you might get addicted.

This means you now have legacy items
What you're thinking of is something along the lines of Legendaries from other games, which are the super GG items that have no better equivalent and are very rare.

To ever grace Path of Exile
I wouldn't mind it being based on maps, from the way the map system works on Path of Exile, I'd take anything over any map system as end-game

trade you can find a lot of cheap path of exile items
When you actually take your time and search stuff over some time/PM a lot of offline traders you probably could get them cheaper

The new Exile Mods would have to be significantly better than the current
therefore, the current perfect gear will always be better, unless GGG decides to add gear that you can use less than 300 chaos on.

Uniques are not all of the same rarity
if a unique tier is chosen for which no unique of that base exists, then the item defaults down to a rare.

A great change for temporary Path of Exile leagues
Theres also the issue of if the price of exalts increases. If yolo exalting does become popular then the price will go up because more players are in demand of them.

Eternal Orbs will literally rarer than mirrors when the Awakening hits
but since these good rares will replace the role of the Eternal Orb, they will at least cost as much as what an Eternal Orb used to cost.

Eternal orbs still exist in standard
what we really need is to get rid of all the eternal orb influence in standard, or make a new dumpster league without eternals and eternalled mirror-able items destroying the market.