poe4orbs:[3.9]PoE Metamorph Shadow Builds (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)
PoE 3.9 Metamorph has released a lot of new game content, including a complete rework of the atlas map and changes to bow skills. Welcome to the best PoE 3.9 Shadow Builds brought by R4PG. Choose your favorite ascendant from Assassin, Saboteur, Trickster and start your Metamorph journey!
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Shadow Assassin
[3.9] PoE Venom Gyre Assassin - Dodge & Freeze Everything!
[3.9] PoE Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |
[3.9] PoE Venom Gyre Assassin - Dodge & Freeze Everything!
- + Elusive is an absolute Juicer for everything
- + Unique play style with Venom Gyre for clearing and bossing
- + Combo of Freezing, Good Dodge and Evasion makes you a slipperyjim
- + Fork + GMP Will give us heaps of Projectiles to catch
+ No Mana Problems
- Can't do No Leech Mods on Maps
- - Unpredictable game feel, as it is a brand new gam (looks good tho)
- - Fairly low life, big balls playstyle
- - Price will ramp up quick, some of the juicy end game uniques are expensive early on
This build is based around the gem Venom Gyre and we are building it by stacking elemental damage and critical strike damage. If Venom Gyre feels bad we can easily switch to Cobra Lash, they are practically the same. By using Hrimsorrow's we convert a the rest of our Physical Damage to Cold, and then further amplify this damage by using things that increase our cold damage such as Hatred, Herald of Ice, and gear.
Gems Setup
Venom Gyre > Greater Multiple Projectiles > Fork > Nightblade > Hypothermia > Elemental Damage with Attacks
Whirling Blades > Faster Attacks > Blood Magic > Fortify
Summon Lightning Golem > Hatred > Precision Level 10 > Blood Rage
Herald of Ice > Curse on Hit > Assassin's Mark
Vaal Haste > Cast When Damage Taken Level 8 > Immortal Call Level 10 > Increased Duration
Ancestral Protector > Ruthless > Elemental Damage with Attacks
Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/1rZVeT5Z
More Details: poeurl.com/cCTz
[3.9] PoE Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |
- + Poison!
- + Budget for start
- + Solid clearspeed
- + Amazing feeling and the pleasure of playing
- + Requires a lot of attention while playing, active game
- + One skill can be played from the second level to the endgame
- + low entry threshold - It requires knowledge to understand all mechanics
- - This is not a facetank, we have to be careful about the toughest contents.
- - Requires a lot of attention while playing, active game
- - Hard to Check real DPS (Poison)
CHEST (6link)
Cobra Lash or Venom Gyre + Greater Multiple Projectiles + Added Chaos Damage + Deadly Ailments + Vile Toxin + Unbound Ailments
This is the optimal setup, it leaves us with some hit damage thanks to Chaos Damage and Vile Toxin. On endgame, I recommend using Venom Gyre (I will make a separate entry about it in the build)
Auras(4 link)
Aspect of Spider 25% From the Gloves or other item.
Precision (lvling up depend on the free mana we have left)
Temporal Chains + Blasphemy 35% or Free from amulet - Temporal Chains has priority under Despair or Skitterbots
Last Slot and Aura on late game:
Despair 35% - We use when we have an amulet for free Temporal Chains and we need the possibility of applying additional Curse thanks to the oil we can get Whispers of Doom on our Amulet, or Corrupt also on the amulet.
Skitterbots - Same as with Despair, use when we have an amulet for free Temporal Chains. A very nice option, two running bots that impose Shock and Chill on opponents, I checked and really this Shock is effectively applied, practically on most mobs we hit. A really good option very comparable with Despair and thanks to this we can get something different into the amulet
Whirling Blades (4 link)
Whirling Blades + Fortify + Faster Attacks + Blood Magic
CWDT (3 link)
CWDT + Summon Ice Golem + Guard Skill
Herald of Agony(early game) Utility (late game)(4 link)
Herald of Agony + Damage on Full Life + Minion Damage + Vile Toxin
Herald of agony is brilliant at the beginning on the entry threshold, then it weakens so let's use it as long as we consider or when we get items to complete other recomended Auras
Wihtering Step + Blood Rage + Ancestral Protector + Free Slot for you
Setup when we stop using HoA
Plague Bearer (3 link)
Plague Bearer + Whitering Step/Empower + Increased Area of Effect
Both skill is a complete must be here. Plague Barer seems almost OP, one two use Cobra or Venom and we have full Bearer to start. Whitering is a defensive and offensive, gives phasing, Elusive full buff and 6 stacks of Whitered debuff instantly.
If we stop using HoA, we move Whitering Step to the 4 link and here we add Empower.
If you prefer, you can give Blood Rage to CWDT and swap 3/4 links. I prefer to start it manually, after that I hate to have Auras in 3 link and start it again after weapon swap.
Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/eJmrbqyd
More Details: poeurl.com/cCNz
Shadow Saboteur
[3.9] PoE Icicle Mine Saboteur [Deathless Uber Elder & easy Blight clear]
[3.9] PoE Saboteur Pyroclast Mine Crit - Cheap, SSF friendly
[3.9] PoE Icicle Mine Saboteur [Deathless Uber Elder & easy Blight clear]
- + No uniques required for the build to work
- + Clear all content including high tier Blighted maps
- + Engaging gameplay
- + Fast clear
- + Can do ANY map mod
- + Safe to play with chill/Freeze and mines distance
- - Mine playstyle may not suit everyone
6L Single Target
Icicle Mine - Controlled Destruction - Inspiration Support - Swift Assembly - Trap and Mine Damage - Hypothermia
6L Clear
Icicle Mine - Controlled Destruction - Inspiration - Swift Assembly - Trap and Mine Damage - Pierce/Chain Support
Other Options
Pierce -> Chain
Swift Assembly -> Minefield Support
Controlled Destruction -> Added Cold Damage/Critical Damage
If you've got white sockets you can add cold to fire support for single target with Eternity Shroud.
Flame Dash - Faster Casting - Arcane Surge (Lvl 7) - Portal
Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Cold Snap or Vaal Grace
Precision (lvl 1), Summon Skitterbots
Zealotry can be added but will most likely require Enlighten Lvl 3 or 4 because of the mana reservation
Boss Detonation Detonate Mines - Spell Totem Support - Faster Casting
Other useful skills
Summon Ice Golem, Phase Run, Vaal Grace
Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/uQPRQCEZ
More Details: poeurl.com/cCTA
[3.9] PoE Saboteur Pyroclast Mine Crit - Cheap, SSF friendly
Dex. required : 98 (93 from tree, 5 req.), str. required : 155 (74 from tree, 81 req.).
Main setup (6l, BGBBGR)
Pyroclast Mine + Swift Assembly + Combustion + Immolate + Trap and Mine Damage + Empower OR Fire Penetration. Swift Assembly procs only once with Minefield, not worth it combined, so we dropped Minefield. Swift Assembly = ~60% "more" damages on average.
Auras (2s, B(B/R/G))
Summon Skitterbots, Herald of Ash. Ideally Zealotry here but you'll need a decent mana pool. So we use a 25% reservation skill instead. You could also use Flesh and Stone in sand stance, Arctic Armour, etc.
CwDT setup (3/4l, RRBR) : Cast when Damage Taken (lvl 14) + Steelskin (lvl 18) + Enfeeble (lvl 17) + Summon Stone/Flame Golem (lvl 16). A decent defensive setup.
Travel skill (2/3l, BBB) : Flame Dash + Arcane Surge (lvl 5/6) + Faster Casting. Faster Casting isn't really necessary here.
Utility / Buffs
Decoy Totem (R) : Always there to tank a bit for us.
Bear Trap (G) : Free 15% increased damages taken by enemies, on bosses for instance, if you have some time to throw one.
Withering Step (G, Travel skill) : Can be useful in place of Flame Dash sometimes.
Potential fortify setup (3l, (R/G)GR) : Whirling Blades (Daggers) / Shield Charge (shield) / Leap slam (staff) + Faster Attacks + Fortify. I'm clearly not sure about it. Especially since i'd ideally use a staff as 6l and try to get a Kaom's Heart somehow (in SSF, i'll just pray).
Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/kXJBL3Hw
More Details: poeurl.com/cCNB
Shadow Trickster
[3.9] PoE Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]
[3.9] PoE Toxic Rain | All Content 3m Shaper DPS | Fast Mapping + Durable | 50c Budget/SSF Uber Elder
- + Can run every map mod
- + Survivable with 7k+ EHP, 45k Ev, 50/75 Spell Dodge
- + Great Damage
- + Entry gear is very cheap
- - DOT build, so a slight ramp up for max DPS
Main Link
Toxic Rain - Mirage Archer - Void Manipulation - Vicious Projectiles - Swift Afflictions/Efficacy - Empower Level 4Damage on Full Life (If you aren't at the stage where you're always full life, drop this)
Flesh and Stone - Malevolence - Discipline - Enlighten
Grab Charisma until you can afford to run a level four Enlighten in your aura setup.
Wither Totem
Spell Totem - Multiple Totems - Faster Casting - Wither
We already have quite a bit of duration, so faster casting helps us build quicker.
IC + Blink Arrow
CWDT - Steelskin, Dash - Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks - Culling Strike
I've been trying out CWDT Steelskin, and I think I like it so far. Play around with it and see how it feels. We also put Frenzy and Blink Arrow here linked with Faster Attacks and Cull.
Frenzy - Curse On Hit - Despair
We use Despair COH Frenzy in this quiver to automate frenzies and boss depsair. You can also run the same links in your boots along with Dash if you can't afford a Maloney's.
30 points -> 50 points -> 70 points -> 90 points -> Full
Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/weaVK0xb
More Details: poeurl.com/cxI3
[3.9] PoE Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]
THIS IS NOT A BUDGET BUILD! However, you can easily make this better than the Resolute Technique build without having to spend much more. You can then build from there; the ceiling is very high.
Single Target: Elemental Hit - Combustion - Damage on Full Life - Elemetal Damage with Attacks
AoE Clear: Elemental Hit - Mirage Archer - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Damage on Full Life - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Combustion (Power Charge on Critical Strike)
For Kaom's Heart Users
Gloves: Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call | Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks
Boots: Anger - Precision - Blood Rage - Dash
For Farruls or other 6S Chest Users
Chest: Cast when Damage Taken - Culling Strike - Summon Ice Golem | Faster Casting - Portal | Anger
Gloves: Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks - Dash - Blood Rage
Boots: Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Precision
Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/KB6fEhB6
More Details: poeurl.com/cCNe
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