Most cold projectiles shatter on impact ( arctic breath, cold shot), this would be the cold version of Orb of storm for lightning.


When they dont shatter, they pierce through, Frostbolt, Freezing pulse and Ice spear for instance. The later would particularly gain from such change since it would be an effective way to get rid of the first hit and always get the second form's 600%~ crit chance.

note: What i mean by "block" is to make frost projectiles stopped by frost wall like if it were a monster. Pierce still works.


This would break Ice Shot.

Ice Shot was disgustingly good with Frostwall, it was just overshadowed by Lightning Arrow.

But as it stands, especially now that they also fixed Vaal Glacial Hammer, I really would like to see something like this. Cause in my opinion, both are now either useless or near useless. (I guess there is the minor benefit of pushing melee attackers off of you).


I hope some kind of change is in the works that turns Frost Wall into semi-pathable terrain. So that you can lightning warp over it etc, but your non-piercing projectiles smash into it (no chains), while your piercing projectiles pass through without hitting it. Something that enables it to be used with EA and NON-pierce KB and preserves the synergy with Freeze Pulse etc, while disabling the pierce/chain abuse.

I always thought that the EA fuse stacking on FW was cool, and not really broken since you can do the same thing on regular walls. Allowing FW to do the same thing would just make it possible to actually build around that interaction with some skilful positioning/timing, instead of having to hope that you can kite the boss into a wall.

However, maybe that kind of fix wouldn't be easy to implement.


Instead of adding functionality in the traditional spectrums ( Damage type, damage source,etc), to add diversity, you have to play with those spectrum and make specific restrictions. Like POE Orbs of storm as i said.