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95% of builds on Path of Exile scale with special uniques or powerful rares

The reason it is still fun after 20+ hours of play is because of the skill and gear progression that comes with most builds in the game. 95% of builds on PoE scale with special uniques or powerful rares as well as getting gear that has more linked sockets (5 socketed and linked sockets on gear are a lot more rare than 4 linked gear, and 6 linked gear  extremely rare and endgame to acheive in most cases). Both of these will change will change how the skill works/increase their damage output significantly, making you want to progress even more to see how far you can take a build idea.

95% of builds on Path of Exile scale with special uniques or powerful rares

So the long and short of it is yes in it's most basic form the fun of playing the same skill over a long period is to see the returns of your investment into the skill and seeing how far you can take it, which is much more rewarding than it sounds due to the sheer complexity and number of options the game has to offer.

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The Latest Builds for Path of Exile 3.3

In Path of Exile Incursion league, most of the players are looking for PoE 3.3 builds for Marauder, Duelist, Ranger, Shadow, Witch, Templar, Scion, these are the main class in this game. So Poe4orbs will share some newest Path of Exile builds to you, hope these could be helpful.


A great change for temporary Path of Exile leagues

Theres also the issue of if the price of exalts increases. If yolo exalting does become popular then the price will go up because more players are in demand of them.


I wish the community of Path of Exile had been smart

I mean sure, if you bought a ton of extra stash tabs and can physically hold that much poe currency, go ahead.


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To ever grace Path of Exile

I wouldn't mind it being based on maps, from the way the map system works on Path of Exile, I'd take anything over any map system as end-game

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