poe4orbs:PoE 3.11 Harvest Mechanics - Plant Your Seed
PoE 3.11 brings players a new league mechanics. Many players get a lot of seeds in the map but do not know how to use them. Poe4Orbs has prepared a simple PoE 3.11 Harvest Noemal Guide for players, detailing the relevant mechanics of harvest, hoping to help you.
Harvest Seed
There are a total of 3 harvest seeds in the PoE 3.11:
- Primal Feasting Horror Grain (first tier) – Reveals a random Physical modifier crafting effect when Harvested
- Vivid Razorleg Seed (second tier) – Reveals a random crafting effect that changes the element of Elemental modifiers when Harvested
- Wild Brambleback Bulb (third tier) – Reveals a random effect that exchanges specialized currency
Here have a simple list can help you fast find like seed
When the seeds are mature, you can use the collector to gain the lifeforce of the seeds.
Know These Harvest Tools
Lifeforce Collector
It is used to harvest the seeds that you've planted. Actually first-tier seeds will grow anywhere but you won't be able to harvest them without lifeforce collector as it is the juice that you need not the monsters themselves.
There are three types of lifeforce collectors that represent each seed type. Thus you'll wild lifeforce collector for wild type seeds, vivid lifeforce collector for vivid seeds and primal lifeforce collector for primal seeds. You can recognize them by the matching colour.
All lifeforce collectors have radius in which they can perform their action. So you'll need to plant the seeds within the borders of that radius to make it work.
Within the range, you can plant a total of 24 seeds. When at least 8 seeds are ripe in the area, the collector will light up and allow you to harvest. When you encounter a level 1 seed in the map, a reminder will pop up in the lower right corner to tell you that the collector is ready.
How To Get It:
1. Usually when you get some seeds and plant them, NPC will give you the first collector.
2. After that you have to use 25 lifefore to buy it
Not all the seeds are easy to grow. Starting from the second tier they need some extra conditions to grow. One of them is some particular amount of other lifeforces. For example (note that it can be random),
- Tier 2 Wild seeds need Vivid lifeforce
- Tier 2 Vivid and Primal seeds need Wild lifeforce
- Tier 3 Wild seeds need Vivid and Primal lifeforce
- Tier 3 Vivid seeds need Wild and Primal lifeforce
- Tier 3 Primal seeds need Vivid and Wild lifeforce
To make that happen you'll need a disperser to spray the necessary lifeforce on the seeds within its radius of power. If you do not have enough lifeforce, the disperser will not work, and the color of the seed will change to red to remind you
Note that one disperser can provide only one type of lifeforce! On the other hand, you can replace them (Ctrl+Click on it) so don't worry if you put it in the wrong place. Also, a disperser won't work without a pylon.
How To Get It:
1. When you harvest some Tier 2 seeds from Tier 1 seeds, npc will give you a free one
2. After that you have to use 30 lifefore to buy it
Pylon is another wast structure it will link your dispersers to the source of lifeforce. After you run out of pylons provided by Oshabi you can craft pylons for 10 lifeforce.
Each Pylon can connect up to 4 structures, and have distance limitations also.
After you place a pylon you can click on the but above it to create links. Use as many pylons as you need and like to connect a lifeforce collector with a storage tank and a disperser. All the pylons can hold only one type of lifeforce. Also, you can break and connections and make new ones as well as relocate a pylon by Ctrl+click it.
Storage Tank
It is not a must to have one, but you'd really like to have one. The only thing it does is holds the lifeforce you decide to condense. Note that you cannot use condensed lifeforce for the craft! But you can store it in the storage tank to grow new seeds.
You'll need to make some links to make it work perfectly for you. First of all, connect it to a Lifeforce Collector with the help of Pylons and after that to a Disperser. Encourage disperser to use the condensed lifeforce automatically to grow seeds.
A storage tank can be placed away from seeds, but as any other structure in Path of Exile Harvest League, it can hold only one type of lifeforce. Also, it has the limit for the condensed lifeforce that it can hold and it is 300. If you want to replace the full storage tank don't worry all the lifeforce will remain safe after you are done.
How To Get It:
1. Just connect the collector to disperser and select Condensed Lifeforce, a new task will be triggered, and npc will give you a free storage tank
2. After that you have to use 75 lifefore to buy it
Horticrafting Statio
This is a late-game structure that will allow you to hold and store some crafting recipes that you get from seeds. Horticrafting Station is the most expensive thing and you cannot get it anywhere except for crafting it yourself for 1800 lifeforce. It will take you some time to gather seeds that give at least 67 lifeforce to manage to craft Horticrafting Station.
Fight with Your Seed
Generally, everything we described above is the preparation phase before the action starts. Every seed has a particular number of growth cycles. It is a number of times you meet Oshabi in the new location to complete the growth of your seeds.
When your seeds are ready, go to the Sacred Grove. You will see the button in the waypoint map or use Oshabi's portal when you meet her. There activate the harvest button above the lifeforce collector where the seeds are ready. You will face the encounter of monsters.
The more seeds are ready the more lifeforce and loot you get. Also, there is a good chance to get tier 2 seeds so try to grow as many as you can. After you kill monsters you'll see the crafting menu and the number of lifeforce you collected.
Harvest Craft
In Harvest league, you need to craft at once as there is no option of postponing it for later after you harvest the seeds. The number and options of crafting modifiers are depending on the seeds you've grown.
Also, keep in mind that these modifiers cannot be used for any item levels, but they need to be applicable with the item level of the item you want to craft. Therefore no need to stack low level seeds for later, use them as once to get seed of higher levels.
Sometimes you'll see that there is nothing you can craft on your gear and it is more useful to craft extra dispersers or pylons. Usually, you will condense lifeforce to grow future seeds and it is a wise decision as well.
Also, there is only one way to enter your stash from the Sacred Grove. You can see the button in the crafting window that will allow you to take the items from your stash and use them for the craft. But you cannot put them back into your stash. The stash that you can see above is a seed stockpile, which works as a stash for harvest league seeds. You can open it only in the Sacred Grove, but it is a good thing that you don't need to have them every time with you.
Small Quality of Life Set
Special reminder, you can add Harvest Seed Stash in your hidiout!
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