poe4orbs:10 Minutes Delivery Guarantee will be added on poecurrencybuy.com
Dear customers of poecurrencybuy. Today we would like to introduce a new function which is called “Delivery Guarantee” that is developed by our technique department. What does this function mean? It means if we cannot finish the delivery in the time we promise, poecurrencybuy.com will give you compensation. Let us check out the details of this function.
1. Why do we add “Delivery Guarantee” on our site?
Sometimes, there are many customers buying on poe currency at the same time on pocurrencybuy.com. So our delivery guys may not be able to finish the delivery for all orders within 10 minutes. In order to make those whose orders are not delivered in time feels better, so have decided to develop “Delivery Guarantee” function, this will let those who have waited for longer than 10 minutes get the compensation from us while not to have negative feelings to our site.
2. Introduction of “Delivery Guarantee” function.
If your order cannot get delivered within 10 minutes, you will get extra compensation accordingly.
Poe Currency 10 Minutes Delivery Guarantee
If you buy poe currency cannot be delivered within 10 minutes, we will give you 20 Chaos Orb as the compensation.
Orders are not covered by 10mins Delivery Guarantee
1.Orders need to be manually verified.
2.Delivery Delay caused by yourself like internet Lags, etc.
3.Your order contains the currency which is not the 10mins Delivery Guarantee currency.
Example for 10 Minutes Delivery Guarantee:
If you have bought 1000 Chaos orbs, and you will get 1020 chaos finally if we cannot deliver within 10 minutes.
Delivery Guarantee function Design
3. When will this function be launched?
This function will be launched on September 5th, 2017.
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The current chests in Path of Exile
I never looked to weapons at that time, so I can't say if it happened. Though if anything it should be easier now anyway thanks to mastercrafting.
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