PoE New Discoverable Hideouts
In the Echoes of the Altas expansion, GGG added two new discoverable hideouts for you to find as you make your way through the Atlas. The Nocturnal Hideout and Primeval Hideout can be obtained from the Moon Temple Map and Primordial Blocks Map respectively. Check them out below.

New Player Should Never Play HC
I have performed mostly HC in each and every game which has it, I began PoE HC also it was great when Used to do. Hell, I even find Invasion is the most enjoyable time I have ever endured within this game

POE Leagues Transverse Comparison
Now is the show time of Flashback, but we should never forget these great leagues, which has brought us a lot of happiness in the past years. Then here comes a question like "Which is your favorite league" or "Do you love Harbinger/Abyss/Bestiary, why?"

[3.11] PoE Harvest Ranger Starter Endgame Builds
Here is the latest PoE 3.11 Harvest Ranger Starter Endgame Builds - Deadeye, Pathfinder and Raider. Whether you like cheap, fast mapping, or boss killer, you can find the build you want.

Interested to make good starter builds in Path of Exile
Path of Exile is tricky. End game bosses and maps are ridiculously hard. Without very optimal build strategy you will just waste your time on tier 1-2 maps forever.

Most players between an eternal and a stack of exalts
crafting will be far far more about finding an already good multi t1 base and throwing an exalt at it than it will be about crafting 6T1's that you want from a base white item

On the topic of sin's Rebirth Path of Exile
There's a point to be made about having 55%(or more based on flask effectiveness) phys as extra chaos at the press of two buttons.