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Best PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Starter Builds

PoE 3.13 Ritual is the first expansion in 2021, and the endgame content of the game once again ushered in a major update. Many of the builds in this PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Builds guide are good for starter that are popular with many players. For the three ascendancy classes of Guardian, Hierophant and Inquisitor, the focus of each build is also different. Hope it helps you.

Best PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Starter Builds


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Templar Guardian

PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Guardian Herald of Purity Starter Build

PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Guardian Dominating Blow Cheap Build


PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Guardian Herald of Purity Starter Build

  • + Good clear
  • + Good single target (Uber Elder and A8 Sirus down on a 5L)
  • + Great survivability with multiple defensive layers: over 7K ES, over 65K armour, 75% chance to block attacks and spells, 1300 ES gained on block, huge ES regen every five seconds, 10K damage shield with Molten Shell, a lot of reduced effect of curses
  • + Can do all map mods (although no regen is more comfortable with a mana flask and less armour/chance to block can be rippy versus strong physical bosses like the Minotaur)
  • + The minions we use are immortal, or automatically (re)summoned, so there’s no need to worry about them dying
  • + Since this build uses almost only unique items, it’s relatively cheap to min-max
  • + I don't play hardcore, but I would assume that this build is definitely HC viable, even though leveling will require some classic HC measures

+/- It's a minion build, which feels clunky to some people and relaxing to some others

  • - This build is quite bad at handling blighted maps, since it doesn't have screen covering AoE.
  • - This build is not the best at handling Aul, the Crystal King, since his phases are time based and not %HP-based, and we have less damage than a pure glass cannon. I still manage to kill the Auls I find, but I never went past 500-ish depth, so I don't know about deeper.

Gems Setup

Your Herald of Purity setup should be the following (socketed in body armour):

Herald of Purity - Predator - Bloodlust - Ruthless - Empower - Awakened Minion Damage

If you don't have the mana to use HoP, Discipline and Determination yet, take out some HoP gems, not Determination! Check the FAQ for more info.

Your Raise Spider support gems should be the following: (socketed in weapon 1 (Arakaali's Fang))

Predator - Withering Touch - Awakened Melee Splash Damage

For hard boss fights, replace Melee Splash with Melee Physical Damage.

In order to summon Sentinels, we use Cyclone. We support it with Culling Strike for an effective 10% more global damage and help with summoning our minions during clear, Fortify to mitigate the damage we take from blocked hits, and Maim to increase the physical damage taken by enemies. (socketed in Helmet; for help on how to off-colour your items, please refer to the Off-colouring your items section in the FAQ)

Cyclone - Culling Strike - Fortify - Maim

We use a Carrion Golem for more damage, along with Feeding Frenzy support to make it grant us the Feeding Frenzy buff (10% more minion damage, and 10% increased minion attack, cast, and movement speed). Since we don't invest in minion life regen or leech, it tends to die every minute or so, which is why we use Cast when Stunend to summon it automatically. Since we're CI, we get stunned easily, so it's always up, and we mitigate the danger (and discomfort) of stuns through Soul of the Brine King. (See the Pantheon or Defensive mechanics sections for more info). (Socketed in Weapon 2 (Aegis Aurora))

Summon Carrion Golem - Feeding Frenzy - Cast when Stunned

As auras, we use Discipline and Determination for more ES and armour respectively. We socket them along with our movement skill (I use Shield Charge), and Desecrate to spawn corpses for spiders. (Socketed in Boots)

Vaal Discipline - Desecrate - Determination - Shield Charge

Finally, there are three useful gems that we socket in our gloves. Rallying Cry grants our minions a nice damage boost, Molten Shell gives us an extra layer of defense, and Spirit Offering gives a great damage boost. Since those three gems are duration-based, we support them with Increased Duration (which is much more important and useful than you might think!). (Socketed in Gloves)

Rallying Cry - Molten Shell - Increased Duration - Spirit Offering

Leveling Tips

This build can with Dominating Blow from lvl 28 reach Blood Aqueducts in about 6h fairly easily. However, I felt it to be faster to simply focus on Herald of Purity & Smite. This can easily be combined with a Holy Relic as well as with a pack of pack of Zombies which comes down to a matter of personal preference.

The idea is to link your Smite this way:

- Smite, Ancestral Call, Melee Physical Damage, Added Fire Damage

And your Herald of Purity like this:

- Herald of Purity, Melee Splash, Melee Physical, Minion Damage

This in combination with a Blind linked to our Holy Relic makes leveling extremely smooth & efficient.

Since the end-game gear for this character is solely focused on high life with capped resistances, so does the leveling! However, it is recommended to use a 1H weapon with proper damage during the lvling sequence till you hit about lvl 70 in which case you can easily switch to Dominating Blow and a Brightbeak. Obviously this can be done earlier if you so wish but without extensive knowledge and/or experience with this type of build I wouldn't recommend switching before that.


PantheonBrine King and Ryslatha

Bandit: Kill All

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/7QWvHaqD (community fork)

More Detailspoeurl.com/c79x


PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Guardian Dominating Blow Cheap Build


Dominating Blow

Dominating BlowImpaleFeeding FrenzyBrutality, Melee Physical Damage, Multistrike


Multistrike is meant to be replaced by Melee Splash for the sake of smoother clearing.

Herald of Purity

Herald of PurityImpaleMultistrike, Brutality


Multistrike is meant to be replaced by Melee Splash for the sake of smoother clearing.


Dash, Second Wind

Utility Minions

Carrion Golem, Raise Spectre, Animate Guardian


Raise Spectre should be linked with Blood Magic to have the Carnage Chieftain monkeys from Act 7 Ashen Fields spam their frenzy charges to your army. 
When it comes to the Animate Guardian gear & mechanics I would suggest watching the video linked at the top of this thread!


Dread BannerSkitterbots


ConvocationDesecrateFlesh OfferingPunishment, Enduring CryClarity (lvl 1)


Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Shakari

Bandit: Kill All

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/FUGHMiij

HIGH BUDGET VERSION: https://pastebin.com/5PhgAZiy

More Detailspoeurl.com/c7o2



Templar Hierophant

PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totem Starter Build

PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Hierophant Archmage Blade Vortex Endgame Build


PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totem Starter Build


Primary damage links in order of priority

Freezing Pulse -> Controlled Destruction -> Hypothermia -> Cold Penetration -> Increased Critical Strikes -> Added Cold Damage

Note that if you are not yet using a Soul Mantle you'll need to equip a Spell Totem gem to convert Freezing Pulse into a Totem; the support gems above are listed in order of priority so drop gems as needed to fit your current available links.

Offensive support 4-link

Frostbite -> Arcane Surge -> Increased Duration -> Spell Cascade

This should be your priority for your first spare 4-link. Remember to level your Arcane Surge gem such that the mana cost of Frostbite is equal or higher than the trigger for Arcane Surge to grant its buff effect. You want Frostbite to grant Arcane Surge every single time it is cast; maximum uptime is worth more than slightly increasing Arcane Surge's buff effect. Spell Cascade allows you to both increase Frostbite's cost (to give you more room for a higher level Arcane Surge) and allows you to blanket a much larger area without increasing Frostbite's cast time.

The reason this gem link does not contain Faster Casting is that it is intended to be socketed into Shaper gloves that contain the affix "Socketed Gems are supported by level 18/20 Faster Casting" on them. Until you have such gloves, feel free to drop Increased Duration for Faster Casting.

For late-game purposes, Projectile Weakness will actually prove to be a stronger curse damage-wise than Frostbite, with two caveats; a much lower mana cost (making it harder to consistently trigger high-rank Arcane Surge) and a very high Dexterity requirement (155 Dexterity required for rank 20). As such, I recommend you stick with Frostbite from the outset and only in endgame once you have the flexibility and currency to start refining gear for minor stats like Dexterity, consider switching to Projectile Weakness. Just remember to keep an eye on your rank of Arcane Surge; you generally want to trigger that buff within 2 casts of your curse so that you are never without the Arcane Surge buff.

Offensive support 4-link

Frost Bomb -> Spell Totem -> Multiple Totems -> Second Wind

This 4-link setup gives us access to Cold Exposure, an additional -25% Cold Resistance penalty that stacks on enemies on top of any other sources of penetration we are using. We can't actually deal damage with Frost Bomb, so we are only concerned with supports that improve this effect; Intensify and Increased Area give it a much larger radius and Increased Duration will improve how long the Frost Bomb remains to pulse its effect as well as how long the Cold Exposure lasts on enemies once applied. 

Utility support 4-link

Steelskin -> Cast When Damage Taken -> Increased Duration -> (Your Choice)

I've actually started running Steelskin over Immortal call as of late; even though we do generate Endurance Charges in this build, we have a low base amount of physical mitigation, and do not rebuild our Endurance Charges that consistently after Immortal Call eats them, which can leave us a bit vulnerable to physical damage once Immortal Call wears off if we are not fully out of danger. Steelskin doesn't consume our Endurance Charges when it triggers, so we get to keep the additional physical mitigation at all times. The downside of Steelskin is that it requires a much higher rank of skill gem to really be useful later, so you'll want to level up Steelskin and Cast When Damage Taken to relatively high levels. I personally run a level 17 Cast When Damage Taken and a level 19 Steelskin, which allows Steelskin to absorb up to around 2k damage during its buff effect.

The final link here is yours to decide; Vaal Righteous Fire would be my recommendation as it is a big damage increase when available. Just make sure whatever you slot here is high enough rank that it is not triggered autoamatically by Cast When Damage Taken unless you want it to be.

Damage support 3-link

Cold Snap -> Cast When Damage Taken -> Bonechill

I run this 3-link setup in my weapon so that when enemies strike me, it will drop a Cold Snap chilling area under them that increases the cold damage they take thanks to Bonechill support. Keep Cast When Damage Taken at level 1 in this setup (which will allow you up to a level 7 Cold Snap) since we don't care how much damage Cold Snap itself does, so we want this to trigger as much as possible. 

Note that using Vaal Cold Snap will also grant you a Vaal version that you can self-cast, which grants you Frenzy charges every second enemies are standing in the chilling ground. Useful for some additional Frenzy charge generation against certain bosses, but requires souls to charge, which isn't possible in some encounters (such as Sirus). 

Movement support 3-link

Flame Dash Or Dash -> Second Wind  -> Portal

Early game, you may have a easier time using Flame Dash since you are likely to have fairly low access to Dexterity bonuses for higher levels of Dash. The Portal gem is just a luxury, and can be replaced with whatever you prefer if you don't mind picking up Portal Scrolls (Phase Run, Lightning Golem, Lighting Warp, etc).

Awakened Gem Priority

Primary damage links:

Awakened Controlled DestructionAwakened Added Cold Damage and Awakened Cold Penetration are the three Awakened gem variants we can currently utilize in this build.


Pantheon: Brine King and Shakari

Bandit: Help Alira

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/2YhE5mfV

High-end Investment: https://pastebin.com/Fw4RXhHb

More Detailspoeurl.com/cLa4


PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Hierophant Archmage Blade Vortex Endgame Build

This is an extremely strong build, balancing both very high tankiness with very high DPS. As a result its a very strong deep delver and boss-killer. It also has huge AoE making it a good map clearer (including 100% delirious ones).

Gems Setup

Weapon: Blade Vortex - Unleash - Archmage - Arcane Surge - Awakened Controlled Destruction - Awakened Lightning Penetration

Vortex - Culling Strike - Hextouch - Conductivity - Blood Magic

Immortal Call - CWDT - Increased Duration - Vaal Righteous Fire

Wave of Conviction - Blood Magic - Flame Dash - Second Wind

Aura: Precision, Clarity, Wrath


The minimum needed items for this build are: 6-linked Pledge of Hands, Indigon, Cloak of Defiance, Atziri's Foible and Essence Worm

League start viability: Pledge and Indigon are not available on day 1 of the league, so this cannot be a day 1 league starter. Indigon and Pledge both fall sharply in price over the first week of the league. So once you obtain enough currency to get these two, 6-link your Pledge, and about 100 chaos extra for the other pieces, you can start levelling this build.

I strongly advise not to attempt this build with a 5-link Pledge. While other builds only lose 30-40% dmg from one missing support, this build loses out in three ways: less dmg from missing support, less dmg due to less manacost, and less dmg due to less Indigon stacks.

The earliest that you can equip all the unique gear pieces is lv 69. So before that you need to level with a different build, and once you hit 69 you can do one big respec of tree and gear. PoB for a very basic lv 69 starter: https://pastebin.com/UV6W1Rim. The starter is strong enough to carry you into red maps without having to do any gear upgrades.

Before lv 69, theres isn't any one correct way to level a Templar/Hierophant. Any generic caster levelling build is fine, but if you do choose an archmage/MoM build, you will end up saving a ton on Regrets later. Some basic recommendations: selfcast Arc, selfcast Ball Lightning, Storm Brand (all of the above can be combo-ed with Orb of Storms, and can use Archmage), selfcast Purifying Flame, Arc totems, Freezing Pulse totems, Holy Flame totems.


Pantheon: Brine King and Shakari

Bandit: Kill All

Path of Building Link

High-end PoB (lv 100): https://pastebin.com/KYDwhXSC --> 20.8k hp, 43.0m dps, estimate 180ex

Midway PoB (lv 90): https://pastebin.com/p4GpAyyj --> 15.3k hp, 14.3m dps, estimate 50ex

Low-end PoB (lv 85): https://pastebin.com/zfNYStFJ --> 11.6k hp, 5.8m dps, estimate 15ex

Absolute starter PoB (lv 69, earliest that this build works): https://pastebin.com/UV6W1Rim --> 7.1k hp, 1.7m dps, price depends on how far after league start: 6-link Pledge + Indigon + 100 chaos approx

More Details: poeurl.com/c7pa



Templar Inquisitor

PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Inquisitor Incinerate Tank Build

PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Inquisitor Storm Brand League Start Build


PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Inquisitor Incinerate Tank Build

  • + Tank
  • + Nice damage
  • + High effective life pool
  • + Uses some very different but nice mechanics
  • + Easy league starter
  • + Cheap to start
  • - can be expensive to perfect
  • - Can't do Ele reflect or no regen
  • - As the range of Incinerate is quite limited, the clear speed isn't the fastest 

Gems Setup

Body Armour

Incinerate - Infused Channeling - Inspiration - (Awakened) Controlled Destruction - (Awakened) Elemental Focus - Empower


Cast When Damage Taken - Vaal Molten Shell - Wave of Conviction - Combustion


Cast When Damage Taken - Blade Blast - Culling Strike


Reckoning - (Awakened) Hextouch - Flammability - Elemental Weakness


Enlighten - Discipline - Determination - Herald of Ash


Lightning Warp - Less Duration - Infernal Cry


Flame Dash - Second Wind - Infernal Cry


Vaal Righteous Fire


Commandment of Flames


30 - 60 - 80 - 90 - 95

Start by leveling with Lightning Tendrils.

The first support gem you will get is Arcane Surge. You'll then receive Infused Channeling as a quest reward. Use it (either as your third link, or instead of Arcane Surge, as it will increase your damage by a lot).

Around this time you'll also get acces to a Clarity gem. This will help you solve the early mana problems you might have. You don't need to level this gem too high, as it will be obsolete further in the leveling anyway. Around level 5 should me more then enough.

Another gem you'll want to pick up is either Dash or Flame Dash. This will help you move around faster. If you didn't use Arcane Surge as the third link on your main skill, use it on here instead.

Pick up a Quicksilver flask from the quest rewards as well for faster movement.

Around level 12 you get access to the skill this build is focussed around: Incinerate.

Replace Lightning Tendrils with it.

If you feel that you are lacking in defence a bit, Flesh and Stone might be a good mana reservation buff to pick up. It only reserves 25% of your mana, and makes it so that enemies have a harder time hitting you.

At lvl 18 you can use Controlled Destruction and Elemental Focus.

These will both increase your damage by A LOT!

If around level 40 you happen to have free sockets, add the Reckoning-4L. This will increase damage on bosses.

Definately add Infernal Cry too. If will be a nice clear speed boost as well as provide you with extra single target damage.

This setup could carry you all the way up to maps, but if you happen to find a 5L along the way, add Inspiration as 5th link.

This will make the mana cost a bit more managable as well as give you a nice damage boost.

Add the rest of the gems and gear as shown in the "Gear"- and "Skills, gems & links"-sections whenever it is possible for you. You already have the most important stuff up and running.

The rest won't alter the build dramatically but will just add some nice quality of life and will just help to increase the damage and defences further.

Don't bother adding Determination too soon as with little armour on gear, it won't be very effective.


PantheonThe Brine King and Tukohama

Bandit: Kill all

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/sFECZ7Zu (community fork)

More Detailspoeurl.com/c79G


PoE 3.13 Ritual Templar Inquisitor Storm Brand League Start Build

  • + Beginner and League Starter Friendly
  • + Brand Playstyle.
  • + Mind over Matter. Acrobatics/Phase Acrobatics.
  • + Gearing is straightforward.
  • + Not that many buttons to press.
  • - Can't do Elemental Reflect. Even with pantheons or anti-reflect rings you will do too much damage and one-shot yourself to elemental reflect. Look out for this mod when doing maps. Reroll maps with reflect and don't choose maps with reflect if Zana presents you with an option (be careful for unid maps!)

This is a beginner-friendly, league-starter viable, solo-self-found viable, and comprehensive Storm Brand Inquisitor guide. The leveling section in this guide is meant to take players with a fresh install or in a fresh league and get them into maps and started on a powerful character. Interested readers can find gear priority, stat suggestions, mechanics explanations, and a whole bunch of links that might be useful for newer players.


Storm Brand

Storm Brand - Faster Casting - Added Lightning - Increased Crit Chance - Controlled Destruction - Chain/Added Cold

Brand Recall

Brand Recall - Arcane Surge - Empower - Enhance


Wrath. It's a more multiplier for damage.

Heralds/Aspects/Arctic Armor/Curse-Blasphemy


Cast When Damage Taken – Immortal Call

Whirling Blades/Shield Charge – Fortify – Faster Attacks – Blood Magic – Culling Strike

Flame Dash/Lighting Warp/Frostblink

Lightning Golem

Decoy Totem - Multiple Totems Support

Other Nice to Haves

Lightning Spire Trap - Increased Area of Effect - Controlled Destruction - Trap and Mine Damage

This is a great way to supplement your single target damage.

Vaal Haste: For all the speed demons.

Vaal Grace: Great all around Defensive buff in sticky situations.

Enduring Cry: Life/Mana regeneration on command as well as a bonus for Endurance Charges which are useful! (Damage reduction and increased Immortal Call Duration).

Quality Priority

Storm Brand > Damage Supports (All give .5% increase) > Increased Crit Strikes


Pantheon: The Brine King and Gruthkul

Bandit: Help Alira

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/q82i5bVT

More Details: poeurl.com/coc6


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